Tag: <span>courage</span>

My late uncle Clifford once told me about a time when he was driving and came across a cardboard box in the middle of the road. He swerved around the box narrowly missing it. Looking back in his rear view mirror he saw a young child crawl out of the box. Shaking badly, he quickly stopped, picked up the child and took the child back to the mother who hadn’t realized that her child had left the yard and gone onto the road.

Sometimes we too need to get out of the box we are in to realize the danger around us… the danger of the loss of eternal life without a personal relationship with Jesus… the world is lost without him. Is there someone in your life that needs rescuing?

My prayer for you

Our loving Creator God, praise be you, the God of our fathers, who put into the king’s heart the desire to bring honor to the house of the LORD in Jerusalem and who extended his good favor to Ezra before the king and his advisers and all the king’s powerful officials. Because your hand was on Ezra, he took courage and gathered leading men from Israel to go up with him. In the same way please help us out of our little boxes so that we too can have your boldness and courage to reach out to others. In Jesus name, amen.”  Ezra 7:27,28

by Alec Niemi
Used by Permission

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thoughts by Alec Niemi Thoughts by All Thoughts by Men

Crossing the River of Fear - Devotional

In three days, you will cross the Jordan River.
This is my command—be strong and courageous!
For the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9-11

The river was dark with fear: hesitations, doubts, timidity, paralysis. On this side stood the people of Israel, on the other, the land of God’s promise. Just step in. Walk across. Easy! Right?

Wrong! There were two problems. The first was physical, the second spiritual. The Jordan was at flood stage: wide, deep, fast, and dangerous. God worked a miracle. The waters stopped. The river dried up.

Problem one solved.

The people had to solve the problem two. God was going to carry them across. They had to wade through it. The river of fear had to be crossed on foot. The only solution was courage.

Life sometimes takes us to the banks of fearful rivers. God is not going to carry us across. “Step in and walk,” He says. “Time to get going.” That first step can be terrifying! How do you take it?

God gave Joshua a command: “Be strong and courageous.” Courage? It’s hard but not an option. “Lift up your drooping hands,” Hebrews says, “and strengthen your weak knees” (Hebrews 1:12).

God also gave a promise. “I will be with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9).  Sounds like Jesus, “I am with you even to the end of the age” (Matthew 28:20).

Are you standing before a river of fear? God has brought you to it. Your task is to gather courage. God will supply His presence.

When you pass through the waters, I will be with you… and they will not overwhelm you” (Isaiah 43:2).

Father, I’m scared of the next step. Help me to gather my courage and find strength in you. Amen.

Dr. Guy Safford

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Thoughts by All thoughts by Dr. Guy Safford Thoughts by Men