Tag: <span>comfort</span>

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If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you.” (John 15:19)

Somehow upon receiving the freedom that comes when we accept Christ into our lives, we come up with a false notion that following Jesus is going to be easy. Because of this false notion, many folks who decide to give their lives to Christ end up returning to the life they were saved from. The enemy plants lies in their heads – that God is not with them or that the freedom they briefly experienced was not meant for them.

All we have to do is look at what Jesus faced and come to terms with the fact that we will face these things too. It is not that God is not with us, nor is His grace unobtainable. These lies are tools used by the enemy to deceive us. There are four things I want to share with you today, that Jesus experienced and we will too.

1. We will be tempted. (Matthew 4:1-11) Jesus was tempted and so will we be. In fact if you notice, immediately following the Holy Spirit coming upon Jesus after His baptism He was led by the Spirit, to be tempted. We will face temptations every day of our lives. We need to call on Jesus when we face these temptations, for He knows all too well what we are going through. We will walk away from these temptations deeper in His word, stronger in Him. His word is our protector and our shield.

2. People will try to trick us. (Matthew 22:15, Luke 20:20-26, Matthew 15:1-9) Has someone ever told you a lie or manipulated you? Have they ever walked you down a path so that they may get you to stumble and look foolish? Has someone ever spoken behind your back to get you to slip up publicly? This is called gossip and deceit, and we face it every day. The question is…will you hate the people or the sin?

3. Spiritual forces will attack us. (Ephesians 6:12) All throughout the Gospel we see demons being cast out of people. If the people then were attacked, why would we not be attacked? The good news is that spiritual forces have no power over Jesus. Put the whole armor of God, and be “praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication. To that end keep alert with all perseverance, making supplication for all the saints.” (Ephesians 6:18a) Pray for the people, hate the sin. Pray against the evil forces that manipulate those around you. Seek refuge in His temple from the enemies that come at you. Read Psalm 27, 2 Corinthians 4:16-18

4. The world will not like us, and will try to silence us. (John 15:18-20)This is the kicker of all kickers. This is the game changer the enemy uses to the best of his abilities to get you to walk away from God. This sadly, is where many of us fall as Christians.

Let’s look at verse 19. “If you were of the world, the world would love you as its own; but because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you.” When we follow Christ we cease to be of the world anymore. The world will not love and accept us as it used to. Many will try to bring you down or hurt you. This is why fellowship with brothers and sisters in Christ is so important. We need support from each other so we can love those who hate us. We need to show the same grace that God shows us so the world may truly see God in us. Read James 1:2-4.

Is our walk with our Lord and Savior an easy one? No. Is it worth it? YES! Folks, through all of these things I listed that we will experience as followers of Christ, we must remember that this world is only a temporary home. Let our minds be mindful of the eternity we have been promised by our God to spend with Him. I can’t speak for any of you, but for me, I will gladly face any of these things above to spend eternity with my Father, my God, my Savior. The coolest part is that through all of these things that we experience, we grow closer to God, and our relationship grows deeper and stronger.

God in Heaven, When it feels like the whole world is against me, remind me that You are for me. I have the great privilege on being on Your side. Help me to never discount the miracle of my salvation. When things get hard help me to be quick to run to You. In your name I pray, Amen

Questions: Do any of these things, or something not mentioned, keep you from following Christ; or keep you at a safe distance from God?

By Rev. Daniel Forster
Used by Permission

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Remedy for Chaos “Be still, and know that I am God.."  Psalm 46:10

Be still, and know that I am God..”  Psalm 46:10

I’ve felt overwhelmed a few times this past while – caught in the too little, too late, too many, too much syndrome.  More than once, my time or wisdom or energy or patience seemed sorely outmatched by the need of the moment.  It’s like trying to extinguish a forest fire with a garden hose, fight a war with a pea shooter, navigate chaos in a row-boat.

Can you relate?

What do you do when that happens?

Here’s what I do: run around in rapid circles and scream like a 4-year old.

But that never seems to work (though the screaming brings minor and short-term relief, and has the added benefit of terrifying my neighbor’s cats). So my next and better resort is to sit down and shut up.  I am learning (ever so slowly) to convert my inadequacy into fresh dependency on God and, through that, a fresh discovery of God’s sufficiency.  God is in the habit of calling us down into valleys deeper and darker than our courage can bear, out onto waters rougher and wider than our stomachs can handle, up atop mountains taller and steeper than our strength can endure.  It’s in those places where we expend the last ounce of our own courage and calm and strength, and either fail miserably or come face-to-face with the living God.

I met this week with a friend who two years ago failed miserably.  He got out on the water, panicked, and sank.  But even in the depths, God was there.  He came face-to-face.  It is making all the difference.

I think when Peter walked on the water, Jesus knew full well what would happen: first he’d do fine, pirouetting on the waves, and then he’d lose nerve and start plummeting.  The bigness of the waves overwhelmed him.  But I think Jesus set it up for Peter to learn afresh his complete inadequacy in order to admit his utmost dependency in order to discover God’s total sufficiency.

So if you’re running around in rapid circles and screaming like a 4-year old (or your version thereof), try this instead: shut up, sit down, and rediscover the living God.  Convert your inadequacy into your dependency and there find His sufficiency.

By Mark Buchanan
Used by Permission

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Thoughts by All thoughts by Mark Buchanan Thoughts by Men