Tag: <span>comfort</span>

I woke up today and I felt small and insignificant. Why?

It happened when I fell into the trap of comparing myself to others.  

I doubt that I am the only one that does that. You might also be feeling small, insignificant, and maybe even invisible sometimes. I have felt all of those at one time or another.

But I reminded myself that the Bible thankfully tells me otherwise. I have read how God worked in the lives of insignificant and invisible people in a mighty way. I could easily think of five that God moved from a place of insignificance to a position of great ranking.

David was invisible and God handpicked him while a young shepherd and anointed him to be the king of Israel.

Joseph was invisible while falsely imprisoned – until his appointed time when God promoted him to second in command to Pharoah in Egypt and was used by God to save the people from famine.

Moses was invisible, feeling defeated and finished on the back side of the desert until God burned a Holy bush and called him to let His people go.

Nehemiah was invisible during his captivity as a cup bearer for King Artaxerxes and God enabled him to lead the rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem.

Gideon was invisible as he hid—threshing wheat in a wine press when the Angel of the Lord appeared and called him a mighty warrior and God gave him an unconventional victory in battle with only three hundred men

Recalling the accounts of each of these men assured me that God sees us! He sees you! We are not invisible to Him. But if you feel that way today I would suggest you read about David, Joseph, Moses, Nehemiah and Gideon. Let their stories tell you what they told me today. We are not insignificant and we are not invisible.

God sees us and He has amazing plans He wants to work in our lives.

For more of their stories see Scripture passages below:

David: 1 Samuel 16:1-13, Joseph: Psalm 105:16-22, also see Genesis 41:39-41, Moses: Exodus 3:1-10, Nehemiah: 2:4-6, Gideon: Judges 6:11-12

ByKathy Cheek
Used by Permission

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From: http://www.kathycheek.com



thoughts by Kathy Cheek Thoughts by Women

For a little while you may have had to suffer grief in all kinds of trials. These have come so that your faith ”of greater worth than gold, which perishes even though refined by fire ”may be proved genuine and may result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.1 Peter 1:6-7

With a strong forearm, the apron-clad blacksmith puts his tongs into the fire, grasps the heated metal, and places it on the anvil. His keen eye examines the glowing piece. He sees what the tool is now and envisions what he wants it to be – sharper, flatter, wider, longer. With a clear picture in his mind, he begins to pound. His left hand still clutching the hot mass with the tongs, his right hand slams the two-pound sledge upon the moldable metal.

On the solid anvil, the smoldering iron is remolded.

The smith knows the type of instrument he wants. He knows the size. He knows the shape. He knows the strength.

Whang! Whang! The hammer slams. The shop rings with the noise, the air fills with smoke, and the softened metal responds.

But the response doesn’t come easily. It doesn’t come without discomfort. To melt down the old and recast it as new is a disrupting process. Yet the metal remains on the anvil, allowing the toolmaker to remove the scars, repair the cracks, refill the voids, and purge the impurities.

And with time, a change occurs: What was dull becomes sharpened, what was crooked becomes straight, what was weak becomes strong, and what was useless becomes valuable.

Then the blacksmith stops. He ceases his pounding and sets down his hammer. With a strong left arm, he lifts the tongs until the freshly molded metal is at eye level. In the still silence, he examines the smoking tool. The incandescent implement is rotated and examined for any mars or cracks.

There are none.

Now the smith enters the final stage of his task. He plunges the smoldering instrument into a nearby bucket of water. With a hiss and a rush of steam, the metal immediately begins to harden. The heat surrenders to the onslaught of cool water, and the pliable, soft mineral becomes an unbending useful tool.

By Max Lucado
Used by permission
From: On the Anvil

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To learn more about Max Lucado visit his website at:


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•  In the Midst of the Mess

God’s Sufficiency Exceeds our Needs 

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