Tag: <span>circumstances</span>

Today, I fought discouragement because I looked at me – instead of God.

I looked at my circumstances instead of looking at Him. But then, I fixed my gaze on Him and by the time evening fell – discouragement had also fallen away.

Looking at our difficult circumstances can often get us into trouble. When we examine what is going on around us, it is easy to think this is bad, this is messed up, and there is no way this can be resolved. The best attitude we can have is to be grateful God can work in any situation! Nothing is too big or too hard for Him, and we don’t have to face any difficult situation alone.

One of the greatest examples in the Bible of more going on than what is seen in the circumstances of a situation is the story of Joseph. His brothers plotted to murder him, but instead of killing him, they put him in a pit, then decided to sell him to slave traders. You know the rest of the story—he ends up falsely imprisoned for years. Now this is a long string of difficult circumstances. Yet, if you read the story in Genesis from chapter 37 to 50, you will repeatedly read that God’s good hand of favor was on Joseph through it all.

You will also read how God delivered Joseph from prison and promoted him to the second in power in the land of Egypt. At God’s prompting, Joseph wisely stores food and prepares for the coming famine. He reunites with his family, and we see the most beautiful aspect of all in this story that has spanned many years of Joseph’s life. Joseph forgives his brothers. What is most remembered and greatly emphasized from this passage is Joseph’s statement to his brothers in Genesis 50.

Genesis 50:20 But as for you, you meant evil against me; but God meant it for good, in order to bring it about as it is this day, to save many people alive.”

Joseph’s story, as with many others in the Bible, demonstrates to us that God is always working in those things we cannot see…yet. God is working in and through bad circumstances…for good.

Take your eyes off the circumstance and look at God because the circumstance can be overwhelming, until you remind yourself again who God is and who you are in Him.

Romans 8:28 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.

By Kathy Cheek
Used by Permission

From: First Breath of Morning: Where God Waits For You Every Day.


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thoughts by Kathy Cheek Thoughts by Women

Hebrews 12:1a-2b Devotional on a Sandpiper and Running the Race

While sitting by the gulf in Northwest Florida, I watched as three sandpipers scurried by. There was something special about one of them. He had one leg and one little stump.

One leg or two, he could still soar. But to walk through the everyday ins and outs of life, to live with an unchangeable circumstance day after day, to survive one-legged in a two-legged world, took courage and determination.  For him, living life was an effort foreign to the others.

None of these things stopped this little sandpiper. He hopped alongside the others, determined to survive in this two-legged world. His was a one-legged life, but he made it work.

When he hopped by, I almost missed him. I almost missed his silent courage and seemingly effortless determination. I almost missed this tiny reminder that obstacles can be overcome and hurdles produce courage.

Sometimes, life seems like a one-legged journey in a two-legged world: off-balance, too much effort, a hindered hop from one hurdle to another.

But life doesn’t have to stop just because it’s hard.

This one-legged sandpiper kept going.

Is there anything stopping us?

Hebrews 12:1b-2a–“Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith.” (NKJV)

Lord, Thank You for the hurdles of life; the hard things day by day that keep us turned Your direction.  Help us not to cave into our circumstances, but to see them as opportunities to run the race with an endurance that only comes from keeping our eyes fixed on You. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

by Bethany Hayes

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