Tag: <span>anxiety</span>

Read: Psalm 94:19-22

Experiences affect how people think about themselves and what they choose to believe. Sometimes negative events create a hurtful thought pattern that can play in someone’s brain in a continuous loop. When that gets switched on, it triggers anxiety in the person’s heart. Shutting it off permanently requires faith in the Lord.

Let me give you an example of what I mean. Suppose that little Tina’s efforts to do well were often rejected by her parents. She heard, “You can do better than that” or “Your sister did much better at your age.” Tina rarely received praise for a job well done. Now an adult, she refuses to apply for a job promotion, even though her boss is encouraging her to do so. Why? Because she fears being found inadequate. Tina may not be able to name her fear, but it certainly holds her back. There are several other potential root causes of anxiety. An exhaustive list would not fit here, but a few of the more common ones are …

  • The belief that one can’t reach a set standard.
  • Guilt over past sin.
  • A faulty idea of God as a punisher.
  • Attitudes instilled during childhood.

When feeling anxious, ask yourself what produced the uneasiness. Knowing which incidents nurture fear can point you to the underlying cause. Let God help you reject the unhealthy thought pattern and replace it with assurance that those who listen to Him live free from the dread of evil (Prov. 1:33).

By Dr. Charles Stanley
Used by Permission

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Used by Permission from http://www.intouch.org/

Further Reading

• Disarming Anxiety –  by Max Lucado

Refuse Anxiety by Roy Lessin

Trade Anxiety for Peace  by Gail Rodgers

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thoughts by Charles Stanley Thoughts by Men

“Cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you.” 1 Peter 5:7


So often our worries are so heavy because we refuse to put them down. Let’s cast our burdens on the Lord. Let’s consciously put our future in his hands. Let’s trust our worrisome fears to his care. We know he loves us and longs to sustain and comfort us because of what he has done to save us.


Holy God and loving Father, I consciously place my fears, worries, anxieties, and burdens in your hands. I know that I have so little power to change the outcome of these events and I trust that you will work what is pleasing to you, and best for me, out of these situations. Forgive me for my anxious thoughts and for letting my own worry become an idol that robs you of my full trust. Strengthen and empower me to trust you more by the power and presence of your Spirit. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

By Phil Ware
Used with permission

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Further Reading

•    Freedom from Anxiety – Devotional by Charles Stanley

•  Anxiety Ain’t Fun – by Max Lucado

•   Be Anxious For Nothing – A Devotional by Francis Frangipane

•  Four Grizzly Bears– What are the Grizzly Bears (fears) in your life?


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Thoughts by Men thoughts by Phil Ware