Daily Thoughts about God Posts

 by Dr. Bill Bright

Now I say that each believer should confess his sins to God when he is aware of them, while there is time to be forgiven. Judgment will not touch him if he does
(Psalm 32:6)

Mary had rebelled against the preaching of her Nazarene father, a godly pastor. She lived with her boy friend in open defiance of her biblical teaching. Now, God was disciplining her because of disobedience. She was miserable, filled with hate and resentment, when a mutual friend brought her to my office for counsel.

I shared with Mary that just as a loving father disciplines a disobedient child, so God in His love for us disciplines us when we are disobedient. Actually, “child training” would be a more accurate way of describing what God does for us when we are disobedient.
Like Mary, many Christians unnecessarily go through all kinds of adversity: financial, emotional, marital and family problems, and even physical illness. More often than not, God is trying to get their attention. But because they refuse to listen and obey Him, they are disciplined and their misery continues.

Beware, of course, that you do not assume that every time friends or loved ones have difficult experiences, they are being disciplined by God because of disobedience. It may well be that God is working in their lives as He did in Job’s not because of disobedience but to help them mature and become more fruitful and effective witnesses or models of His grace to others.

When you personally, like Mary, are going through adversity, however, and problems continue to plague your life, you would do well to look into the mirror of God’s Word. Ask the Holy Spirit to show you if there is any unconfessed sin in your life. If there is, be quick to turn to the Lord, confess your sins and receive His forgiveness and cleansing in order to avoid further chastening.

Bible Reading:Psalm 32:1-5

Today’s Action Point:

I will write down on paper, for my own personal information only, any known weakness, sin or sins that are plaguing me today. I will confess that sin, or those sins, and receive by faith God’s forgiveness and cleansing. (If you are continuing to breathe spiritually, you will not allow sins to accumulate, for the moment you become aware of sin you confess it to the Lord and keep on walking in the light as He is in the light.)

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As the founder of Campus Crusade for Christ, along with his wife, Vonette, Dr. Bright established one of the most successful evangelistic movements in the world – resulting in more than 4 billion exposures to the Gospel of Jesus Christ since 1951.
On July 19th, 2003 at the age of 81, Dr. Bill Bright went home to be with the Lord

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by Idelette McVicker

“God sets the lonely in families …� Psalm 68:6

The concept of family is one of God’s eternal ways.  It is God’s heart that each of us would know the love and strength that comes from living within a family where we are loved and accepted. The reality is that most people don’t. I was reminded of this so powerfully one night when I helped out at a coffee bar ministry that builds relationships with the marginalized and addicted. I sat down at a table with a young guy who was rather strung out. He scratched his legs and face and couldn’t sit still. God wanted to speak to his heart. We had been practicing giving “destiny words,� asking God for something from His heart to give to others. I felt God wanted to tell him how much He loved him and wanted to be a Father to him. God wanted him to know the love of a family. The words of life and hope were too much for this young man who had lived in darkness, desperation, guilt and loneliness for so long. When I mentioned the word “family,� he got up and ran out, back onto the streets. He couldn’t face the feelings it evoked and the deep longings it stirred within him.

We long to be connected, whether by blood or as part of the Christian family. One of our deepest desires is to belong and know that, in spite of what we do, we will be loved and accepted.  God sets the lonely in families. Today, how can you be someone’s family?

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Idelette McVicker is founder and editor of www.globalgirlnetwork.com.  She’s lived in South Africa and Taiwan, but home is now in Vancouver, Canada, with her husband and two young daughters. Her mission is to “clothe this generation in Amazing.�

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