Daily Thoughts about God Posts

By Sylvia Gunter

All leaders are under the scrutiny of the media as never before. They have always been under the holy scrutiny of our holy God. The challenges in the days ahead will require God-molded and God-directed leadership. Pray all whom God chooses and enables to lead this nation. Pray that all leaders, both spiritual and secular, will be growing in these Biblical leadership qualities. The need is so evident.

Pray for all in authority in governmental, church, and economic positions to be men and women of…

Righteousness and blamelessness like Noah. Genesis 6:9
Faith like Abraham. Romans 4:18-21
Wisdom like Joseph. Genesis 41:33
Meekness like Moses. Numbers 12:3, 7b-8
The fear of the Lord and trustworthiness like the leaders Moses chose.
Exodus 18:21
Being sent by God like Miriam. Micah 6:4
Courage like Joshua. Deuteronomy 31:6
Wholeheartedness in following God like Caleb. Joshua 14:8-9, 14
A heart of intercession for the people like Samuel. 1 Samuel 12:23
Perseverance like Job. James 5:11
God’s validation like David. Isaiah 55:4
Capability like Ezra’s leaders. Ezra 7:28b, 8:16-18
Prayer life like Nehemiah by which the hand of God was on his leadership.
Nehemiah 1:4-11, 4:4,9; 6:9, 14; 9:6-38; 13:14, 22, 29, 31
Integrity like Daniel. Daniel1:8
Servant heart like Mary. Luke 1:38
Submission under God’s authority like the centurion. Matthew 8:9
Insight, not like the blind guides. Matthew 23:16, 15:14
Honesty like Nathanael. John 1:47
Evidence of having been with Jesus like Peter and John. Acts 4:13
Being filled with faith and the Spirit, with God’s grace and power like Stephen.
Acts 6:5, 8, 10
Certainty of God’s choosing and commissioning like Paul.
Acts 9:15-16, 26:16-20
Genuine interest in the welfare of others like Timothy. Philippians 2:20

Bless your leaders, asking God to shape them into a Christ-like leader…

with a shepherd’s heart like our Shepherd. Jeremiah 3:15, 23:1, 4;
Hebrews 13:20-21

with total submission to our Father. Mark 14:22
with a pure heart. Matthew 5:8
with total grace and truth. John 1:14, 16
with complete obedience. Philippians 2:5-8
with willingness to suffer. Hebrews 5:8
with compassion. Matthew 9:36
Jesus perfectly exemplified all of these leadership qualities and more. Study the perfect leadership of Jesus, on whose shoulders is the government of all God’s kingdom.


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Thoughts by All thoughts by Sylvia Gunter Thoughts by Women

By John Grant

Election day is only a couple of weeks away. In fact, in many areas early voting starts this coming week. There are many offices on the ballots ranging from the school house to the White House, but none more important and defining as the election contest for the office of President of the United States.

Perhaps never before in the history of this country has there been a more diverse choice of candidates representing such differences in political positions on international affairs, economic policy, social and family issues and a whole host of issues over which the President has vital control and power. Whichever candidate is elected, we in America will see great change in our country and in our daily lives. Each and every one of us will be touched and affected in some way by the outcome of this election.

Yet, what amazes me is the lackadaisical attitude most have to the election. There seems to be more interest in which team is going to win the World Series than in which candidate wins the presidency. With so much at stake how could anyone not be strongly on one side or the other?

As Christians we have a duty to be civically involved. The God who gave us live gave us also liberty and the responsibility to protect it. On issues, especially those dealing with the family and the free exercise of religion, we should take a Biblical position, drive a stake in the sand and fight for all we are worth to preserve those ideals and liberties throughout the land.

On the sea, ships fly the colors of their country and in times of battle, a lowering of the flag is a sign of submission and surrender. But, if surrender was not an option, the captain would order the colors nailed to the mast, incapable of being lowered, and fight to the bitter end.

In nailing your colors to the mast you are therefore proudly showing which side you represent, or the beliefs you hold, and demonstrating your intention never to surrender that position. It is time when we, as Christians, need to nail our colors to the mast and never waiver from Biblical principles.

I am tired of being told that by adhering to Biblical principles I am being politically incorrect. I am tired of being told, even by the courts of this land, that there is no place for either the Bible or prayer in school.

I am tired of being told that by being a Bible thumping Christian that I am some kind of backwoods idiot.

But, I am not too tired to fight and I am ready to nail my colors to the mast and go down fighting.

In 1941, Sir Winston Churchill visited Harrow School and said the following: “This is the lesson: never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never—in nothing, great or small, large or petty—never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force; never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.”
As Christians, we should do no less. May we vote and fight for what we believe in and never give in, no matter the might of our enemies.

 ( a thought on life from John  and Beverley Grant )

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