Daily Thoughts about God Posts

by John Grant
John Grant is a former Florida State Senator and is a practicing attorney

“About eight days after Jesus said this, he took Peter, John and James with him and went up onto a mountain to pray.� 
Luke 9:28

As we lifted off the runway and made a turn to the South over Puget Sound, I could see it in the hazy distance. As we got closer, it got bigger and more visibly clear. Suddenly we were there and as we flew around t the peak of Mt. Rainer…. so close that it seemed we could almost touch it. I reached for my camera.

There’s just something spiritual and spectacular about being on a mountaintop. Have you ever thought about how many significant Biblical events occurred on a mountain top? Moses got the Ten Commandments on Mt. Sinai and later saw the Promised Land from Mt. Moab. Jesus was gloriously transfigured on the Mt. of Transfiguration.

We see God’s handiwork all around us, but perhaps in greater way than His spectacular creation of the might mountain peaks around the world. But mountains are also a symbol of challenge as they remind us that the best view is always from the top and in our spiritual growth, we should never stop half way up, as the real reward is at the peak. We gain our real strength, both spiritual and physical when we press  to reach the pinnacle.

Caleb is one of my Biblical heroes. When God was dividing up the land among the Israelites, the people were asking for the lush valleys and grassy plains, but Caleb asked for a mountain, for it was there that their enemies had been chased and built their fortresses. That did not intimidate Caleb, as he wanted a challenge. He trusted not in his own strength, but in God’s presence. He wanted to see God at work and choose a place where he would have to trust in God. He refused to allow the difficulty to stop him from enjoying all that God had promised him.

If you always choose the easy way, asking for peaceful valleys, you will never see God’s full power displayed to enable you to take a mountain. Seek out the mountains, and you will witness God doing things through your life that can be explained only by His mighty presence.
(a thought on life from John Grant )

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by Dr. Bill Bright

And He saith unto them, Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men” Matthew 4:19 (KJV).

Each morning I kneel to acknowledge Christ’s lordship of my life and ask Him to have complete, unhindered control of my life for that day, to walk around in my body, to think with my mind, to love with my heart, to speak with my lips and to continue seeking and saving the lost through me.

Sometime ago I was at a conference in a Midwestern city, anticipating an early adjournment so that I could catch a plane to Los Angeles and rejoin my waiting family.

When I arrived at the airport, I discovered that flight after flight had been canceled because of poor weather conditions. Rushing from one airline ticket counter to another, I hoped to find one that was still flying its planes. Finally, to my disappointment, I had discovered that all the airlines had canceled their flights.

On one hand I was discouraged, but on the other I was encouraged by the promise of the Bible, “And we know that all that happens to us is working for our good if we love God and are fitting into His plans” (Romans 8:28, (LB).

Back at the hotel for the night, in the lobby I met a businessman who was hungry for God. As I shared Christ with him, I learned that he and his wife had been visiting a different church every Sunday for the past couple of years. They were looking for God but had not been able to find Him.

I explained to my new friend how to receive Christ. Together, we knelt and prayed, and he received Christ into his life as his personal Lord and Savior.

With great joy and enthusiasm my new brother in Christ announced, “I want to take these things to my wife because she too is eager to receive Christ.” It is our responsibility to follow Christ. It is His responsibility to make us fishers of men.

Bible Reading: Matthew 4:18-22

TODAY’S ACTION POINT: As I follow Christ today, I will recognize that even the delays, hindrances and closed doors may well be opportunities for me to share my faith in Jesus Christ. I shall remember, with God’s help, to share Him with others at every opportunity.

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