Never Absent

And I am convinced that nothing can ever separate us from God’s love. Neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither our fears for today nor our worries about tomorrow—not even the powers of hell can separate us from God’s love.” Romans 8:38 (NLT)

Life is messy and unpredictable.

When I first surrendered my life to Christ back in the summer of 2009, I was under the impression that life would become neat and predictable. God, however, never promises us a life free from bumps and bruises. What He does promise is that He will always be with us and that nothing will ever separate us from His Love.

Yet, like Peter, we so easily allow ourselves to become distracted by the waves and the wind. Focusing on the messiness of life, we entertain fears and lies instead of turning our eyes towards His promises. Nevertheless, God never leaves us in our distracted and lost state.

A.W. Tozer said it best,

We need never shout across the spaces to an absent God. He is nearer than our own soul, closer than our most secret thoughts.”

Like a ray of light piercing the dark depths of the ocean; God reminds us with His word that nothing can separate us from His Love. He pours out His grace and mercy upon our lives, takes away our fears, silences our worries, and heals our pain with this simple reminder:

I am with you. I love you. Follow me.”

Heavenly Father, thank You for not leaving us abandoned like orphans. Lead us Lord. Hold our hands and our hearts close to You as we travel this journey with You, in Jesus name, amen.

By Daniel Forster
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

• Never Alone – by Bill Bright

You Are Never Alone  by Julie Lairsey

You are Never Really Alone – by Allan Mitchell


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