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Love the Lord your God with all  your heart…and love your neighbor as yourselfMatthew22:37-40      

A rich young ruler ran up to Jesus, fell on his knees, and asked, ”Good teacher, what must I do to inherit eternal life?” When Jesus mentioned the ten commandments, he said, “all these I have kept since I was a boy.” Jesus looked at him tenderly; he knew the boy was telling the truth.

One thing you lack,” Jesus said. “Go sell everything you have and give to the poor and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come follow me.” At this the young man’s face fell and he walked away sadly.

What was Jesus saying? That God is against his people having riches? That only the poor can follow Jesus? No. Jesus is repeating what he had said a little while ago, “Love the Lord your God with all  your heart…” (Matthew22:37-40) Our focus must be God first.

The rich young ruler, could not turn his whole heart and life over to God. His pride prevented him from acknowledging that he could not earn eternal life through hard work like all his other achievements.

I think many people still make that mistake. We want eternal life, but on our terms.

In order to have this eternal life in Christ, we must put God first in our lives. We are to love God most.

We acknowledge our inability to achieve eternal life through self-effort. “For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God–not of works, so that no one can boast” (Ephesians 2:8,9).

Thank you, Father, that you give eternal life to the rich and the poor the same way: by grace through faith in our living Lord Jesus Christ.

By Helen Lescheid

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Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.” Isaiah 41: 10

“God did not give us a spirit of timidity (of cowardice, of cringing fear) but he has given us a  spirit of power and of love and of  calm and well-balanced mind and discipline and self-control.”  (2 Timothy 1:7 Amplified)

Fear comes to all people. We’ve all struggled with fear. Our greatest fear is the threat of what might happen. Fear is almost always based on the future. But what is the future to God? To Him the future is now! He lives in the eternal now, in which he sees and knows everything, including the future. God is faithful therefore we will be cared for. His plans for us are good therefore we have nothing to fear. (Jeremiah 29:11).

How can we face our fears? Let God love you in the middle of the fear. On a particularly troubled day, I visualized myself being hugged by God while he whispered into my ear, “Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.
(Isaiah 40: 10).

His prefect love gives me courage to move ahead in spite of the fear. As Rick Warren has said, “Courage is not the absence of fear; courage is moving ahead in spite of your fear.”

So let’s face this day with courage buoyed up by these words, “The LORD is with me, I will not be afraid; What can man do to me?” (Psalm 118:6)

By Helen Lescheid

If you have never surrendered your life to Christ, you can start today.  Here are a few sample prayers.


Lord Jesus, I want to trust you from now on. Thank You for dying on the cross for my sins. I open the door of my life and receive You as my Savior and Lord. Thank You for forgiving my sins and giving me eternal life. Take control of my life. Make me be the person You want me to be. Thank you for enabling me to trust you in these uncertain times. Amen.

Another Sample Prayer:

Dear God, today I bring you my life, my hopes, my dreams, my deepest yearnings … You know me intimately. You knew me even before I was formed in the womb. You called me into this world to do good and live the life I was uniquely and specifically created for. I ask for Courage and Wisdom to live this life–the life of my dreams. Show me where to start and help me be open to hearing your Voice today. I ask for a greater consciousness of your Presence, today and every day of my life. Amen.

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Jesus tells the crowd at the temple, “the miracles that I do in my Father’s name speak for me” (John 10:25). “I did not speak of my own accord but my Father who sent me commanded me what to say and how to say it” (John 12:49).

The world looks at dependency as immaturity. The Bible teaches that dependency upon God is the right and natural way to live.

Jesus modeled for us complete dependency upon God. He went to a lonely place to pray, that is, to grow in the awareness that all the power He had was given to Him; that all the words He spoke came from His Father; and that all the works He did were not really His but the works of the One who had sent Him.

God encourages our dependency on Him, not because He delights to be boss, but because we were made to be dependent beings and we function best when we live in dependency on Him. God made us to be wired into Him.

I visualize my dependency on Christ as being a branch in a tree that expects to be nourished moment by moment by the sap that flows through the tree. When I feel empty, I hear Jesus saying, “Tap into my wisdom, my patience, my love, my energy.” There’s no danger of running out, for His supply is inexhaustible.

If we would practice this moment-by-moment dependency upon God, how much more relaxed we would be! We’d have more poise and confidence.

Thank you, Father, that I’m a branch in the Vine, Christ Jesus, and His resources never run out. I count on His strength and joy today.

By Helen Lescheid
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I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:5 (LAB).

How long do I have to be plugged into God through a quiet time or prayer or reading a book to get the charge I need to go out and live for God?

But Jesus never said, “I am your power cord; you are the iPhone.” You don’t plug into God’s power like that. You abide like a branch in a tree. Jesus said, “I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5 LAB) Notice the word remain. It’s constant, not sporadic.

A branch does not decide to be independent of the tree. It needs the life of the tree moment by moment. In a similar way, we were not created to live in our own strength, but in the strength of Christ. We cannot be independent of Christ and expect to flourish.

If Jesus Christ lives in us, we have the resource to conquer all things because there is nothing bigger or mightier than He is. Paul says “I can do everything through him who gives me the strength I need” (Philippians 4:13 LAB).

As he infuses his life, his power into you, you have what it takes to live your life as God intended.

What are you facing right now? Remember in Christ you have the resources to overcome that challenge.

Lord Jesus, I need you right now. Infuse your  strength into me. Thank you for taking over now.

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By Helen Lescheid
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daily devotionalWe do not dare to classify or compare ourselves with some who commend themselves. When they measure themselves by themselves and compare themselves with themselves, they are not wise2 Corinthians 10:12

One of the quickest ways for me to lose my joy and my focus is to compare my life with the lives of others. I’m content with my life – until I look across the fence and see what my neighbor has! I’m not just talking about physical blessings, but the niggling feeling that someone is having more success than I am. Can you relate?

In 2 Corinthians 10:12 Paul tells us that those who compare themselves to others are not wise. I’m reminded of what the risen Lord Jesus Christ told Peter as they sat by a camp fire on the shore of the Sea of Galilee. Jesus had just restored Peter to fellowship and told him what his life’s work would be.

Peter turned and, looking at another disciple, he asked. “Lord, what about him?”
Jesus answered, “What is that to you? You must follow me(John 21:21, 22).

Like Peter, we tend to compare our lives to others. God is blessing her more than me, we think. Soon another thought follows.  God isn’t fair. I’m working just as hard as she is, then why isn’t He blessing me like that?

When we compare ourselves to others, we are doubting God’s goodness. Comparisons shift our focus away from God onto our circumstances, spawning thoughts of discontent.

Keep your eyes on me,” Jesus told Peter. “Why compare yourself with him? I have a good plan for each of you.” The same is true for us. We need to keep our eyes on Jesus and be faithful to what He has asked us to do.

When I am tempted to compare myself with others, I remind myself that God loves me! His plan is tailor-made for me. Knowing this makes it easier for me to see my own blessings. I focus on what I have, not on what I don’t have. And I trust my loving God with the rest.

Thank you, Father, that you have a beautiful plan for each of your children. I want to keep my eyes on Jesus and be faithful in doing what He has asked me to do.  Amen.

by Helen Lescheid
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flowersMay the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy SpiritRomans 15:13

What do you do when you feel stuck in a difficult situation? How do you find hope to carry on?
One difficulty after another kept coming my way until I felt overwhelmed. I lost my job and therefore my income. If only our house would sell then I’d have money for rent and groceries. It had been on the market for months and nobody seemed interested.

During one particularly dismal morning, I stopped in at my mother’s house for coffee. A visit in my mother’s home usually ended in her flower garden. She’d point out new blossoms on her rose bushes and every bit of new growth excited her. I always enjoyed this ritual, but on this afternoon I listened only half-heartedly to my mother’s cheerful chatter. I didn’t want to burden her with my problems. She’d probably tell me, “We do not give in to self-pity.”

As my gaze followed her small frame, darting in and out of rose bushes, I thought, Mother, you had reason to feel sorry for yourself. Why didn’t you? After seven years of marriage, she’d lost her husband in the Second World War. She’d fled across Europe with four small children, living in refugee camps, thankful for a piece of bread and a glass of milk. As an immigrant to Canada the struggle for survival had continued. People had sometimes disappointed her. Yet, she’d managed to keep a sweet spirit. Her consistently upbeat attitude amazed me. Didn’t she ever feel weak?

Suddenly my mother stopped her chatter. She gazed into my face and whispered, “How’s it going?”

Not good,” I whispered back.

For a few moments she stared into a rose bush as though searching for something to say. “When life was tough I planted flowers,” she said quietly. “They always bloomed for me.

Then there’s something I can do to improve my life, I thought. Yes! After all, I serve a God of hope not despair. So while waiting for things to happen in a big way, I can tend to my flowers, I can bake cookies, I can invite someone to tea. I can spread hope and good cheer. Like my mother just did.

by Helen Grace Lescheid
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daily devotionalby Helen Grace Lescheid

For he chose us in him (Christ) before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight.”  Ephesians 1:4

In our culture we value achievement. We give awards and trophies, medals and prizes to deserving individuals. Diplomas line our walls. There is nothing wrong with celebrating our accomplishments. But when we base our sense of self-worth on them, we build on a shaky foundation. What happens to our self-worth when we can no longer achieve due to ill health or old age or some setback? We feel side-lined, worthless. We may even feel like we’re a burden on society.

God’s value system is very different from the world’s. He values us for who we are, not for what we achieve. He chose us before we were born, before we had done anything to prove our worth.

True self-worth comes from seeing myself as God sees me: a person for whom Christ died. A person in whom Christ lives. Read Ephesians chapter 1 and underline every time you see the phrase “in Christ.” Did you know that phrase is used more than 172 times in the New Testament? Why?

True self-worth comes from seeing myself in Christ—washed by His blood, clothed in His righteousness, filled with His Spirit. This privilege is for all who will come and accept his gracious offer.

Position in Christ is more important than performance. Being is more important than  doing.

A man whom I recently met at a meeting put the right slant on it for me. After a brief introduction, I said to him, not concealing the admiration I felt, “So, you are an engineer!”

No, I’m a person who does engineering,” he said. Wow! He’s got it in the right  order, I thought. First, I’m a person for whom Jesus died and second, I happen to do engineering.

What do you base your self-worth on? Remember, God sent his only Son to die for you—that’s how much He values you. He longs to be close to you. Whatever has happened in your life, God does not condemn you. The Bible says, “There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus” (Romans 8:1). God values you that much.

Dear God, help me to see myself as you see me and to live by your value system.

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by Helen Lescheid

The fruit of righteousness will be peace; the effect of righteousness will be quietness and confidence foreverIsaiah 32:17

The Christmas season has been described as the season of shoulds. We feel we owe it to our family to give them the best Christmas ever. So, we spend too much money. We fuss too much about trivial things. And we work ourselves into a frenzy. No wonder we begin to dread the whole business of Christmas.

So how can we take the panic out of Christmas? Let me suggest:

1. Take inventory: Ask yourself, what’s truly important? Ten years from now what difference will it make that I mailed my Christmas cards late, or my house wasn’t perfect, or the turkey was a bit dry? Look again at what you want to achieve.

2. Be realistic, look at what you can afford. Christmas is not a competition about who can buy the most expensive presents or even who can get the most presents. Our children do not need dozens of presents to know they are loved.

3. Focus on the Prince of Peace. Take time out to relax and to reflect on Jesus’ statements of peace, like the following: “Peace, I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid” (John 14:27).

In the original Greek the word “peace” has the connotation of being bound together. Imagine, Jesus and you bound together. Doing life together. Wow!

What’s the result of doing it His way? Isaiah tells us there will be peace, quietness and confidence.

Dear God, help me to focus on what’s truly important this Christmas season. I want to honor and glorify you in all my preparations. In Jesus name, amen.

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“Give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” 1 Thessalonians 5:18

Everyone needs a mentor, a person who models for you the Christian walk. A person you look up to and say, “I’d like to be like her when I’m that age.”

Anna is this person for me. At 81 Anna lives alone in a small one bedroom apartment in a Salvation Army Senior independent living complex. Her husband died six years ago. Because she’s experiencing severe memory loss, Anna has had to give up driving her car.

But Anna has not a shred of self-pity. Her face was radiant as she told me, “Glen and I had almost 25 years together.” Then she laughed, “Counting our courting days, it was 25 years. His son, Ron, is so good to me. He looks after all my affairs.”

To the loss of her car she said, “Just think how much money I’m saving by not driving a car.” Then she added, “Besides, walking to the mall does me good. I buy my groceries at Save-On-Foods, then haul them home in my little cart. And when I can’t walk anymore, I’ll get a scooter.” She was exuberant that the mall also had a vet office, a bank, a beauty salon and several restaurants. “Everything I need is right here,” she said.

To memory loss she quipped, “Good thing I’m methodical and I write everything down. That helps. And I’m taking medication against Alzheimer’s.” As we talked about the future she expressed absolutely no fear, only a joyous expectancy of heaven.

When I showed her a photo I’d taken of her on my digital camera, she smiled, “Yes, that’s me.” No disparaging remarks about her looks (like I would have made) not even in jest. As far as Anna was concerned life was good and she was making the best of it.

Anna took me out for lunch at a Chinese restaurant within walking distance to her home. She insisted on paying for the meal. “Then let me give the tip,” I said. She agreed and I left a generous tip on the table. Minutes later I heard her say to the girl at the till, “Please add the tip to the bill.” Just like Anna, I thought, to leave a double blessing.

Dear God, Anna has shown me it’s not age but attitude that makes the difference on living abundantly. Teach me to see my daily blessings. Help me to develop a grateful heart. In Jesus’ name, amen.

by Helen Lescheid
used by permission

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by Helen Lescheid

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. I will be found by you,” declares the LORD, “and will bring you back from captivity” (Jeremiah 29:13-14).

I have prayed the prayer to receive Jesus,” my friend said to me. “But I didn’t feel any different, so I guess nothing happened.”

I know what she meant. After I prayed to receive Jesus, I felt no different either. Except that now I wanted to read the Bible. As I did so, day after day, I met Jesus in a most remarkable way. Joy and peace flooded my heart. But feelings are not reliable and soon I experienced the whole gamut of emotions including fear and doubt. I had to learn to walk by faith and not by feelings.

In so many ways Jesus let me know that He was with me. By reading His Word, I began to see who I really am—a beloved child of God in whom He delights. Even though my emotions were in turmoil, God had not left me. For he promised, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5)

If we seek an experience—an emotional high—rather than God, we will become disappointed. We might even say, “I’ve tried God and it didn’t work.” The Bible says, “You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart, I will be found by you,” declares the LORD”.

How do we seek God with all our hearts? By looking in places where He might be found: reading the Bible, going to church, attending  Bible study, going for a quiet nature hike, listening to beautiful music and talking to Him. When God becomes central, all sorts of experiences happen. Life becomes full and exciting.

Thank you Father, that You want us to know You. You’re not playing hide-and-seek. You created us for fellowship with Yourself. Help me to trust You more. Amen.

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By Helen Lescheid

Christian daily devotional onlineMay God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. The one who calls you is faithful and he will do it.” (1 Thessalonians 5:23, 24).

Like you, I check my incoming email very carefully. I don’t open anything suspicious. Why? I don’t want to get a virus that will mess up my whole program.

My mind is like a computer. A file that keeps popping up in my memory is the “It’s not fair!” file. I compare my life with someone who seems to have more of what I want and come away feeling cheated. Take for instance,  the staff Christmas banquet. Happy couples beckoned to other happy couples to come and sit with them. As a single, I had to find my own place. Immediately, an unhappy thought flitted through my mind: Why can’t I be blessed like them?

Opening up the “It’s Not Fair” file–as I’m so prone to do–is dangerous. A vicious self-pity virus is attached to it. It sends my mood spiraling downwards. It messes up my whole outlook on life. It distorts reality, preventing me from seeing my own blessings.

So what’s the best thing to do when an unpleasant memory flashes on the screen of your mind? Don’t open the file. Instead, send it away into cyberspace–to God. “Here, God, I give this to You as a sacrifice.” A sacrifice? Yes, you have every right to be self-indulgent, but you’ve decided it’s not worth it. You want to get on with the program. You want the most out of life.

 You want your life to be colored with thanksgiving and praise.

Dear God, cleanse me from every trace of self-pity. I want to be sound in spirit, soul, mind, and body. I want to get the most out of this day.

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