Category: <span>thoughts by Alec Niemi</span>

By Alec Niemi

Working with people with an addiction can be hard at times. One such person told me if there was no change in the next thirty days, suicide would be the only answer. However, in the same breath said, “I don’t want to die.” This individual wanted help, yet wanted to keep up with the addiction. This person acknowledged Jesus as Savior but would not submit to His Lordship, saying, “I can beat this by myself.” This has proven to be wrong time after time and the person knows it. And we will continue trying to help…

Gambling, alcohol, drugs (prescribed or otherwise), and pornography are the addictions we most often hear of. But what about work, computers, TV and food? Anything that becomes a ‘must have’ in our lives to the detriment of self and/or others is an addiction. Anything that becomes a ‘must have’ in our lives to the detriment of our relationship with the Lord must be dealt with.

My prayer for you this week:

“I pray that you are seeking good, not evil, that you may live. Then the LORD God Almighty will be with you, just as you say he is. Amen.”
Amos 5:14

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Alec Niemi, an entrepreneur, lifestyle evangelist and pastor is passionate about helping people find Christ.  He lives in the Fraser Valley, British Columbia, Canada.

thoughts by Alec Niemi Thoughts by All Thoughts by Men

By Alec Niemi

When I was young I would borrow money from my sister all the time. And I would usually pay it back. Years later I was convicted about this, remembering that I had borrowed some and hadn’t paid her back. Although twenty or more years had passed, I went to her and said I thought that I owed her some money and I thought it was twenty dollars. She quickly replied that it was seventeen! Although our relationship had never been broken she remembered, and when I paid her back and asked forgiveness for my neglect, she was quick to forgive.

My prayer for you this week:

I pray that the Lord will have mercy on us, according to His unfailing love; according to His great compassion He will blot out our transgressions. Wash away all our iniquity and cleanse us from our sin. For we know our transgressions, and our sin is always before us. Amen.” (Psalm 51:1-3)

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Alec Niemi, an entrepreneur, lifestyle evangelist and pastor is passionate about helping people find Christ.  He lives in the Fraser Valley, British Columbia, Canada.

thoughts by Alec Niemi Thoughts by All Thoughts by Men

by Alec Niemi

I trust that you have had a great Easter. I know we did.

One of our church families used the Church facilities to put on an Easter Supper for some of their friends and twenty of our local Mexican migrant workers. We had friends come in and do special music. There were a couple of testimonies–one of the Mexicans and one of the Canadians. I had the opportunity to share a brief “Resurrection” message.

One of the Mexicans is fairly fluent in English so he did the interpreting. It was a great international night!

My prayer for you this week:

“I pray that you fully obey the LORD your God carefully following all his commands and that all His blessings will come upon you and accompany you. Amen.” (Deuteronomy 28:1)


Alec Niemi, an entrepreneur, lifestyle evangelist and pastor is passionate about helping people find Christ.  He lives in the Fraser Valley, British Columbia, Canada.

thoughts by Alec Niemi Thoughts by All Thoughts by Men