Month: <span>March 2015</span>

daily devotionalBut those who wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles. They shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”  Isaiah 40:31(KJV).

How do you respond to a prolonged time of waiting? Waiting for the house to sell, waiting for your children to call, waiting for improved health…

Most of us find waiting hard. We consider it a waste of time. Yet waiting is a part of life.

Don’t wait for God’s plan to unfold; God’s plan is happening now. The journey is part of the plan,” writes Oswald Chambers. All of God’s heroes experienced long waiting periods. Abraham went through thirteen year of silence before the fulfillment of a promise from God. His son Isaac waited twenty years for Rebecca to have children. Moses’ vision of delivering his people from Egyptian bondage lay buried for forty years in the desert. Those years of silence were a time of discipline, not displeasure. They experienced the promise after a time of waiting.

How can we make waiting more enjoyable?

I received an interesting lesson at the airport one day. When we learned our plane would be delayed, some of the passengers complained bitterly to the stewardess and worried that they would now miss their connecting flight. Another group of passengers, however, gathered in a group and began to play cards, laughing uproariously at times. They turned their waiting into a time of pleasure.

I learned that waiting is not passivity—doing nothing. While you wait commit yourself and this time to your faithful Creator and continue to do good. Carry on with normal activities. Keep working the soil, planting , watering, and weeding in anticipation of the harvest. Keep hope alive by focusing on Scripture promises of God’s faithfulness.

‘Patient waiting is often the highest way of doing God’s will’, writes, Bishop Collier of the 17th Century.

Faith in God, even when that faith does not seem to be rewarded, makes it into God’s hall of fame. In Upon His Blindness, John Milton writes: “They also serve who only stand and wait.

God is present in our waiting. When we leave the whole thing to Him, it is uncertain how He will come in, but He will come.

Thank you, Father, that you are present in our waiting. For the LORD is a God of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him Isaiah 30:18

By Helen Lescheid
To read more of Helen’s writings go to

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feature spring pine conesGod made Him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in Him we might become the righteousness of God2 Corinthians 5:21

Have you ever been blamed for something that wasn’t your fault?

I notice in myself, and others, that we are very quick to escape any kind of guilt or shame if we perceive someone else to bear the blame for our wrong.

I’m sorry I’m late, but Susan said 8:30…”

Were you really apologizing?

It becomes especially difficult when we have made sacrifices to avoid doing something wrong. Maybe you skipped out on a fun activity the night before. Maybe you’ve tried your mighty hardest and for the first time in months, did not hit the snooze button. You’ve done all you can to make sure you would be on time. Then you get no credit for it because you were misinformed. How frustrated would you be?

We need to see this urge to escape blame as what it is: a lack of understanding of the righteousness we have in Christ. There may be a time to set the record straight, but most of the time it is simply the fact that we value man’s opinion higher than God’s. We are not content in our righteousness before God; we want – we need – to be righteous before men as well.

When you’re facing a situation where you’ve done all you can and still have fallen short, remember Christ. What an amazing opportunity it is to get a shadow of a glimpse of Jesus must have when He lived an entire life of sinless perfection, only to be condemned for all the sins we have done.

What a beautiful Savior!

Father, Thank You for sending Your Son to take on the sin that I have accumulated through my rebellion and hatred toward You. Help me to treasure the righteousness I have in Christ so highly, that I could care less what people think of me and more of Your love for me.

By Thomas Pujol

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Thoughts by All Thoughts by Men thoughts by Thomas Pujol