Month: <span>October 2010</span>

by Rod Marshall

Or what woman, having ten silver coins, if she loses one coin, does not light a lamp and sweep the house and seek diligently until she finds it? And when she has found it, she calls together her friends and neighbors, saying, ‘Rejoice with me, for I have found the coin that I had lost.’ Just so, I tell you, there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” Luke 15:8-10(ESV)

One of the things that have to be done by me at work is to reunite the USB flash memory storage sticks with their owners, usually tired and forgetful students.

Sometimes there is no identification on them anywhere to be found. Then, we are reliant on the student to realize they have lost it, and they have to come and seek it out from the collection of other orphaned USB’s here in our office.

Some students come here straight away all in a fluster, because they know their loss: a USB stick which has the only copy of their dissertation, or latest assignment saved on it! Sometimes students are just unaware that they have lost it, until I send them an email!

I have looked upon this pile of USB’s, which sit here uncollected, labeled with their owner’s names, and wondered. As I contact students to let them know we have their USB stick, when they were not aware of it, so in some way, Jesus wants to connect with those whose lives are not safe in Jesus. Possibly, they may never have had the opportunity to hear the story of God’s Love for them, or even have been aware that they are listed in heaven as: missing in action!

Peace and reconciliation in Jesus is profound, and those of us already in the Kingdom may be lured to take it for granted, and yet Jesus, as He reveals in the parable above, will not give up until He finds them, or us. Finally, when they wake up to His searching them out, the rejoicing in heaven will start as the Holy Spirit flows!

Jesus treasures the unsaved, or wayward, their uniqueness and all they are, and we may be called today to bring them His Word of Hope. Sometimes it is the most worldly successful that need to hear His word the most!

PRAYER: LORD, thank You for not leaving us here to be unwanted, collecting dust. Enable us to play our part in bringing the Good News of Jesus to those who presently may not know they are being diligently sought out by Your Love for them.
We rejoice with praise and worship as You chose to reach out through us, to bring a message of reunion with God, in Jesus’ name, amen.

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Thoughts by All Thoughts by Men thoughts by Rod Marshall

by Dr. Bill Bright

Yes, the Lord hears the good man when he calls to Him for help, and saves him out of all his troublesPsalm 34:17

You and I have one of the greatest privileges ever known to mankind – that of calling on God with the assurance that He will hear and answer us.

No trouble we face today will be too great for us to bring God, who has promised to save us out of all our troubles.

True, He suggests certain conditions that must be met for such praying to be effective, but these conditions are not grievous. They are attainable by “whosoever will.”

One of these conditions is referred to by the psalmist, “If I regard iniquity in my heart, the Lord will not hear me” (Psalm 66:18, KJV). According to God’s Word, that means I must not even allow wrong feelings and critical attitudes against others to fester in my heart and mind, but rather I must confess them the moment they arise and then trust God for the forgiveness He promises.

Another condition is suggested in the well-known verse on revival: “If my people…will humble themselves, and pray…” (2 Chronicles 7:14, KJV). Even before that time of intercession with the Lord, I must be sure to humble myself, to recognize God as my Lord and Master and His Holy Spirit as one who sits and rules and reigns on the throne of my life.

As a result, God will produce in my life those qualities of the supernatural life.

Bible Reading: Psalm 35:1-9

Today’s Action Point: Confession and humbling will precede prayer in my life this day, so that I may be sure God hears and will answer.

Question: What qualities would you like to see God produce in your spiritual life?

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Thoughts by All thoughts by Bill Bright Thoughts by Men