Month: <span>July 2008</span>

By Mark Buchanan

Last week, I began my Pastor’s Summary whining about my computer – it emitted an incessant squawking that was playing havoc with my mind.  I had disabled things and downloaded things and even removed the computer’s speaker, all to no avail.  I was considering more radical interventions.

 Then Shirley Hill got in touch with me.  She said she had the same problem with her computer.  Her problem was caused by a faulty fan which in turn caused overheating.  “I’m sure you’ve thought of this already,� she said.

        Well, um, actually, no.

So I pulled the terminal back from the side of the desk – it vented straight into it – and I took off the cover and cleaned the computer’s insides thoroughly.

         It’s been blissfully silent ever since.

         Thanks, Shirley!

I learned a valuable lesson in this, and not just about computers.  It was a spiritual lesson:  I have not because I ask not.  Months back I might have rid myself of the problem if, instead of complaining, I’d simply asked for help.

I wonder how often I’ve missed solving a problem because I’m too stubborn or prideful or lazy to ask, or simply because the habit of complaining has displaced the discipline of seeking.  I wonder which of my problems have simple solutions, only I’m oblivious to them.  To find them, I have to humble myself and ask.

        And I wonder if you’re like me. 

Recently, the Elders at New Life have been talking about establishing “Elders at the Gate� – those in our midst full of wisdom and the Holy Spirit who, though they might not hold an official leadership position, could be excellent sources of insight and guidance for those who do.  These would be people whom we could turn to when we’re wrestling with an issue and need more than our own opinion.  We haven’t come up with a clear proposal yet, but more and more we’re longing for something like this. Maybe all kinds of irritating little things, and a few devastating big ones, might be solved, just for the asking.

 Now a personal challenge:  do you have people in your life to whom you go for counsel?  Is there a struggle in your finances, your marriage, your child-rearing, your business, that’s stumped you and plagued you?  Perhaps you have a well-worn habit of griping about it.  But maybe the solution is merely a question or two away, directed at the right person.  Maybe it’s a simple as, “Clean the inside.�

        Why not humble yourself, and ask?

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Mark Buchanan is a pastor and freelance writer who lives on the West Coast of Canada. Educated at the University of British Columbia and Regent College. Has written, The Rest of God; Your God is too Safe, and Things Unseen. Learn more about Mark:

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By John Grant

“Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.�
Deuteronomy 31:6

Attending our three year old granddaughter’s swim meet was a highlight experience. For some, just making it from one end of the pool to the other was an accomplishment. But I noticed an interesting thing.

For those children who had a coach or teacher walking beside them and cheering them on they tended to swim better and faster. It was not that that the coach was pushing them along or physically helping them in any way. But, what they were doing was coming alongside the swimmer and encouraging them on and telling them they could make it, no matter how far the end of the pool seemed to be away. Just when they were ready to give up, as word of encouragement helped them along.

One of the greatest gifts we can ever give to anyone is the gift of encouragement. Validate their dreams. Tell them to get ahead of the future, pick up a trumpet and start a parade. Shoot for the moon and even if you miss, you will be among the stars.

A good friend of mine is a retired Navy captain. At one time in his career, he was chief aide to an Admiral and I will not soon forget his story of speaking at the admiral’s funeral and saying that he would give his life for that officer. Why, because the admiral was an encourager.

The greatest gift we can give to our children and grandchildren is to be an encourager to them. In the Book of (Joel 2:28) it talks about how “your old men will dream dreams and your young men will see visions.� With encouragement, people, young and old, can live their dreams. As Christians, we need to encourage those around us. Encourage them in the faith. Tell them they matter. Challenge them to become the person God so uniquely created them to be.

Encouragement costs you nothing to give, but is priceless to receive. Paul was an encourager to Timothy when he wrote to him and said (2 Timothy 1:7) “For God did not give us a spirit of timidity, but a spirit of power, of love and of self-discipline.�

As Paul encouraged Timothy, we should encourage one another to rise to the challenges of their calling. “Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.� (Deuteronomy 31:6)

God himself is our greatest encourager, but often he delegates to each of us the responsibility of encouraging someone else. When He calls on us, we should never let Him down.Â
(a thought on life from John grant )

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John Grant is a former Florida State Senator and is a practicing attorney. He is an active writer and frequent speaker.  He can be reached by e-mail at


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