Daily Thoughts about God Posts

by Alec Niemi

Christian DevotionalRelaxing on a log a ways up from the edge of the Fraser River, enjoying the sun and the view of the water I noticed a couple of children walking along the edge of the water. The boy was perhaps four or five years old and the girl, maybe seven or eight. As they walked she would give him a little shove and he would go into the water. Each shove seemed a bit harder and each time the boy would go in a bit further. The slope into the water was fairly steep and the current, swift. I could see that it wouldn’t take much of a push and the boy would be in trouble.

Just as the thought struck me – it happened – the push, the cry of the boy as he slid into deeper water and the scream of the girl, realizing the boy was in over his head.

To this day I can’t explain it. Whether it was an adrenalin rush or supernatural, I know I moved faster than humanly possible. I crossed the beach to the river and grabbed the boy just as he was going under.Â

Hearing the screams, the parents looked up from where they were sitting and realized what was happening. They were too far away to do anything. By the time they got there I had already pulled the boy out. The mother quickly ran up and took the crying boy from me. The girl was crying, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, we were only playing.”

As she cuddled her little boy the mother looked at me and said, “Thank you, you are an angel, you rescued my son.”

I’m not sure of the ‘angel’ part but I do believe it was a divine appointment.

My prayer for you this week.

Lord I thank you that we can know without a doubt that you send angels to rescued us. Amen.” Acts 12:11

Have a great week.

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by Sylvia Gunter

dsc_0105Did you know the Bible says that you are a priest? The basic functions of priests were to represent God to man to man before God. One of the duties was to bless the people. Our culture doesn’t understand blessing as it was practiced in the Bible. The Bible was written in and to a culture that was steeped in blessing – the blessing of shalom, blessing the child with his name, the patriarchal blessing to the sons, the blessing of God for his people, the blessing of Jesus, of the disciples, of the early church, of Peter, Paul, and James.

In the New Testament the priestly functions are transferred to all believers, and we are a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9). We have authority and privileges as priests. Through Jesus we have the right to come into the holiest place in worship. We are called to offer spiritual sacrifices of praise and prayer (1 Peter 2:5), abiding in his presence, drawing near to him and dwelling in him, and he in us.
In the Bible, blessing flows three ways: from God to people, from people to God, and from person to person. Because Jesus is in us, we can pass on to his people the blessings of his heart for acceptance, identity, meaning, affirmation, legitimization, and God’s good purposes.

Here’s a blessing for your spirit in your identity as priest.

Isaiah 61:6 promises, “You will be called priests of the LORD and ministers of your God.” And,  Revelation 1:6. “[Jesus] has made us to be a kingdom and priests to serve his God and Father. To him be glory and power for ever and ever! Amen.”

When Jesus died on the cross, the veil of the holy of holies was torn from top to bottom. Now the awesome privilege of access to the inner court belongs to all believers. You may boldly come into the holy of holies to praise, worship, adore, and glorify your Father. Be blessed with knowing your free access to him. Receive the words of 1 Peter 2:5 and 9. You are a priest and minister to God. That is your duty and your privilege as a member of the royal priesthood. Be blessed in drawing near to him, abiding in his presence, and dwelling in him, and he in you, as you offer spiritual sacrifices of praise and prayer.

Be blessed as you minister to God in the secret place where he releases his heart to you. Be blessed as you seek him intimately and experience all of who he is. Be blessed to worship and adore him, being joyfully, willingly submitted to the One you love. Be blessed to meet him in complete surrender of all you are. Be blessed to draw near as the Spirit of the Lord abides in you, indwells you, rests on you, and anoints you.
Be blessed as you represent God to others by releasing his heart of blessing to your world. By standing in the gap in prayer, faith, intercessory living, and blessing, you open the door for restoration for yourself and your family. You are an instrument of renewal and rebuilding of generations of desolation and ruin. As God moves upon you, you can bless and minister to others, so that God can convict, woo, love, and reconcile them. He will make all things new and glorify himself as he ministers through you, and the glory of the throne room puts its stamp on all you are and do in his name.

You are blessed to be a blessing. Be blessed to speak deeply personal words of acceptance, identity, meaning, affirmation, and legitimacy. Be blessed to envision God’s special future for others as they come into the fullness of all he made them to be. Be blessed to let God’s presence and blessing flow through you to his glory and praise. Be blessed as you sow to the Spirit, and you will reap the things of the Spirit, for the one who sows to the Spirit reaps life. Be blessed in the Spirit of life (Romans 8:2).
Be blessed in the name of Jesus, your High Priest (Hebrews 3:1; 9:11).

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