Category: <span>thoughts by Idelette McVicker</span>

By Idelette McVicker

Jacob was willing to cheat and steal in order to get his father’s blessing. Rebekah, his mother, understood the power of that blessing. She conspired with Jacob and told him exactly what to do so he may be the one blessed by Isaac.

Isaac understood the power of his blessing. He didn’t give it out randomly. He created a ritual around it and asked his son to prepare a meal for him before he would give the blessing. Isaac understood that even though these were mere words spoken over his son, they carried power and he believed that what he said would be done.

After Isaac blessed Jacob, Esau asked his father, “Haven’t you reserved any blessing for me?” But Isaac had already given his best, his very best “words of blessing” to his youngest son. Isaac had to answer Esau: “I have made him lord over you and have made all his relatives his servants, and I have sustained him with grain and new wine. So what can I possibly do for you, my son.”

We too have the power to bless. How often do you bless your spouse? Your children?  Your friends?  Have you ever blessed your parents?

God loves to bless us. In Jeremiah 1:5 says, “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart.”  Just like God blesses us, we can bless each other.
Try it, “bless someone” and experience the power of a blessing.

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By Idelette McVicker

“Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it.”
Habakkuk 2:1-3 (NKJ)

Is your life on the right track? From time to time, it’s good to take stock of where you are and how that compares with where you want to be.

Writing down the ideal picture of what you hope your life to be, helps you to be intentional as you live your daily life. Life often happens at such a rapid pace that it’s incredibly clarifying to decide where you would like to go even before you get to the crossroads.

Because I have known where I’ve wanted to go, I have been able to confidently turn down jobs and pursue others. I have been able to seize opportunities when they came my way or create other opportunities that fit the vision.

Writing down the vision of what I wanted for my life has been one of the most powerful exercises I have incorporated into my life. What does your picture of success look like? Why not take some time to write it down today? Then hold it before God in prayer.

Dear God, thank You for showing us this principle of writing down the vision. May we always run towards the purposes You have for our lives. Amen.

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by Idelette McVicker

“God sets the lonely in families …� Psalm 68:6

The concept of family is one of God’s eternal ways.  It is God’s heart that each of us would know the love and strength that comes from living within a family where we are loved and accepted. The reality is that most people don’t. I was reminded of this so powerfully one night when I helped out at a coffee bar ministry that builds relationships with the marginalized and addicted. I sat down at a table with a young guy who was rather strung out. He scratched his legs and face and couldn’t sit still. God wanted to speak to his heart. We had been practicing giving “destiny words,� asking God for something from His heart to give to others. I felt God wanted to tell him how much He loved him and wanted to be a Father to him. God wanted him to know the love of a family. The words of life and hope were too much for this young man who had lived in darkness, desperation, guilt and loneliness for so long. When I mentioned the word “family,� he got up and ran out, back onto the streets. He couldn’t face the feelings it evoked and the deep longings it stirred within him.

We long to be connected, whether by blood or as part of the Christian family. One of our deepest desires is to belong and know that, in spite of what we do, we will be loved and accepted.  God sets the lonely in families. Today, how can you be someone’s family?

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Idelette McVicker is founder and editor of  She’s lived in South Africa and Taiwan, but home is now in Vancouver, Canada, with her husband and two young daughters. Her mission is to “clothe this generation in Amazing.�

Thoughts by All thoughts by Idelette McVicker Thoughts by Women