Reflecting Christ

Have you ever wished this world would ask to see lives that reflect the life of Christ?

Have you ever hoped your life would be that reflection?

Have you ever come to the end of yourself, realizing you can’t imitate Him as you had always hoped you could?

Have you ever noticed the Bible says, “Christ lives in you”?

Christ lives in us.  So the purpose of our lives is to be a capacity for others to see His life.
The reflection of Him the world doesn’t audibly ask for.

The reflection you’d always hoped you could somehow make yourself to be.
The imitation of Him that is not just an imitation, but Himself living through you.

As believers, our lives are His.
They don’t just belong to Him.  They are His.

If others are to see His life, we need to step out of the way and become a corner in this dark world where the life of Christ can be reflected.  Reflected so beautifully, our lives could truly be described as “hidden with Christ in God.” (Colossians 3:3)

A capacity for Christ to live in us.

By Bethany Hayes
Used by Permission

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Further Reading

God, Our Source of Life

•  Pressing On! – a lesson on focusing our eyes and goals on Christ

•  Salvation Explained

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