Tag: <span>thought life</span>

While we may find comfort in being Christians, being a Christian has not made us perfect. There are still many strongholds within us. Therefore, let us identify some of these spiritual fortresses. Rare is the Christian who is not limited by at least one of the following strongholds: unbelief, cold love, fear, pride, unforgiveness, lust, greed, or any combination of these, as well as the possibility of many others.

Because we excuse ourselves so readily, it is difficult to discern the areas of oppression in our lives. After all, these are our thoughts, attitudes and perceptions; we justify and defend our thoughts with the same degree of intensity with which we justify and defend ourselves. As it is written, “As [a man] thinketh in his heart, so is he” (Proverbs 23:7 KJV). In other words, the essence of who we are exists in our thought-life. Therefore, before any deliverance can truly be accomplished, we must honestly recognize and confess our need. We must stop pretending everything is all right. We must humble ourselves and seek help. Indeed, as previously mentioned, the first stronghold that God must remove is pride. For until one is willing to admit that he needs deliverance, he will never be free from strongholds.

In order to recognize what is wrong in us, we must perceive God’s standard of right. David in the height of ecstasy and Job in the pit of misery, as well as all who have pondered life, faced the same question: What is man? The writer of Hebrews also asks this question, but the answer he receives lifts us up to see the face of God, and “We . . . see . . . Jesus” (Hebrews 2:9). From the Father’s view, the mystery of man’s identity is unveiled in the life of Jesus Christ. Christ is the “firstborn among many brethren” (Romans 8:29). He is firstborn of a heavenly genesis; He is the Father’s plan for mankind. When we consider the mystery of humanity, we find our answer in beholding Jesus Christ. He is not only our Savior; He is also the indwelling One who conforms us to Himself (Hebrews 2:10; Romans 8:29).

Let us also realize that only Jesus can be Jesus. As we yield to Him in increasing degrees of surrender, as we abide in Him and His Word abides in us, He brings forth life that is not simply like His own, but is His very life! Christ Himself living within us fulfills God’s eternal purpose, which is to make man in His image. It is the presence of the Lord Jesus coming forth in us that makes the weapons of our warfare mighty, empowering our words with authority as we pull down strongholds.

Therefore, you must learn to look objectively at any thoughts or attitudes that fail to conform to the likeness and teachings of Jesus. Those thoughts must be captured and wrong attitudes crucified. We must make way in us for the coming of the Lord. We must allow the increase of His presence to be so absorbed into our spirits that we not only believe in Him, we believe like Him. His love, thoughts and desires flow out from within us as naturally as fruit from a vine.

Consequently, when we seek to identify and destroy demonic strongholds, the second fortress that must be annihilated is the stronghold of unbelief. It is this scheme of thinking, which tells us attaining Christlikeness is impossible, that holds all further spiritual growth hostage. This lie and the chains it places upon our hearts must be broken from our lives, for Christlikeness is not only possible, it is our destiny.

Accordingly, let us take this moment to pray. Let the Holy Spirit rise and flood your heart. If you suffer from the stronghold of unbelief which says you will never be like Christ, that deception can begin to break right now.

Lord Jesus, I submit to You. I declare, according to the Word of God, that because of Your power to subject all things unto Yourself, the weapons of my warfare are mighty to the pulling down of strongholds (2 Corinthians. 10:3-4). I repent for using the lie, “I will never be like Jesus,” as an excuse to sin and compromise my convictions. In Jesus’ name, I renounce my flawed, sinful old nature and by the grace of God and the power of Your Spirit I pull down the stronghold of unbelief that exists in my mind. Because of the perfect sacrifice of Jesus Christ, I am a new creation. And I believe that I will go from glory to glory, being continually transformed into Christ’s image as I walk with Him in His grace.

by Francis Frangipane
Used by Permission

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thoughts by Francis Frangipane Thoughts by Men

Proverbs 23:7 thinketh in his heart, so is he.

For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.” Proverbs 23:7

I think, therefore I am.’ (Rene’ Descartes)

How we think is fundamental to who we are and what we do. To a large extent, the world will cooperate with what we think about it. If we think the world is our enemy, that Satan is hiding out for us behind every bush, that secular humanists are conspiring to influence our children and take over our country, and that everything we believe in and hold dear is threatened by the culture around us, well the – it is.

But if we think that this is our Father’s world, that every bush is ablaze with the glory of God, that the Holy Spirit is behind the past and current events of history, and that no force on earth or heaven or under the earth can do anything outside of the will and knowledge of God Almighty who lives in us, then that is the world we inhabit.

You can see why one’s worldview is a very powerful thing. It determines how one thinks and acts in the real world. These are not just examples of two different ways of thinking; they are the realities of two different people behaving entirely differently in the world because, in fact, their worlds are different. The fact that one view may be closer to the way things really are than another doesn’t guarantee that will be the worldview that will win out. What we have come to believe about the world is often more deeply entrenched in us than what is truly true. It may take a lifetime to overcome a false worldview.

Read the Word of God with an open mind. Ask God to reveal to you the truth about the world we live in, and be ready to learn. And whatever you do, be willing to rethink everything while holding to the truth.

By John Fischer

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