Month: <span>December 2013</span>

By Marilyn Ehle

Christian Devotional…as the Spirit of the Lord works within us, we become more and more like him… These troubles and sufferings of ours are, after all, quite small and won’t last very long..  So we do not look at what we can see right now… but we look forward to the joys in heaven which we have not yet seen. The troubles will soon be over, but the joys to come will last forever.” 2 Corinthians 3 and 4, (Living Bible)

It seemed as though the challenges would never end. An aging parent fell and broke her hip. A brother’s cancer wasn’t responding to treatment. And the everyday annoyances of broken appointments, mislaid papers and extreme weather conditions gnawed away at Carolyn’s peace. After yet one more irritating phone call about an unforeseen change of plans, she cried out, “Are you done yet, Lord?” When she related this to me, I wanted to say, “No, Carolyn, he’s never ‘done’ with forming us into his image and all these things are just some of the ways in which he asks us to trust him.” Fortunately, at Carolyn’s plaintive question I just put my arms around her and asked how I could help.

When we commit our lives to God and his loving plan for us, he commits himself to making us more and more like Christ. Keeping our eyes focused on him and his plan for our lives is a spiritual discipline during which his grace flows through us and our joy increases.

Lord, help me remember that you are never finished making me look increasingly like Christ. Give me strength to submit to your loving plan. In Jesus name, Amen.

How have you seen God work in your life in very practical ways this week?

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by Sylvia Gunter

Isaiah 9:6-7

The names of God in Isaiah 9:6 are familiar to most of us.

Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace.

But have you ever really unpacked it and felt the depth and passion of the verse?

For to us a child is born, unto us a son is given, dedicated, granted, given in exchange for or to pay a wage

and the government dominion shall be up on His shoulder,

and his name, reputation, fame and glory

shall be called, recited, cried out, and proclaimed to be

Wonderful, extraordinary, a hard to understand thing, a marvel of God, Counselor, one who advises, consults, counsels, gives purpose, devises, plans

Mighty strong, chief, valiant God,

Everlasting ancient of past time and forever of future time

Father, the head or founder of a family or clan, the first of all fathers

Prince, ruler, leader, chief of Peace, wholeness, completeness, soundness, welfare, quiet, tranquility, contentment, complete health.

That would be enough right there, but then it continues to in verse 7.

And of the increase abundance of his government dominion and peace wholeness, completeness, soundness, welfare, quiet, tranquility, contentment, complete health there shall be no end.

Through Jesus, God has offered us a great exchange through the only One with enough dominion, power, strength, and wisdom to pay our debt of sin in full so that we might know Him who is our Father, Ruler, Leader of wholeness, completeness, soundness, tranquility, contentment, and peace. And He is those things to us in abundance that never runs out.

That is worth proclaiming and crying out to the world!

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Thoughts by All thoughts by Sylvia Gunter Thoughts by Women